RADAR has an impressive variety of Homoeopathic software programs for Sincere students and/or Practitioners of Homeopathy. Whether you are new to Homeopathy or are an experienced clinician, these expert system software programs can improve the quality of your Homeopathic prescribing. Further, you will be able to find the correct medicine a lot faster.
More Detail: Contact us on-http://www.radar-uk.co.uk/index.php

CARA Pro comes with a full fledged materia medica search engine already built in. This search engine, a program named Similia, was previously available only separately. Now it has become an integral part of CARA PRO and offers many classical as well as contemporary materia medica texts. As the second player in the multi media field, after RADAR, CARA PRO supports the display of color remedy images and playing of audio and video clips. David Witko claims that full color photographs of the remedies are included, but how many and of which quality remains to be seen. There will also be spoken text on some remedies by a few of the world's leading Homeopaths.
More Detail: Contact us on-http://www.miccant.com/
Hompath Classic:

The Premium Collection has an extraordinary array of most Intelligent features- Quick, Intelligent, Accurate Symptom RecordingEven while patient is giving history, you can record symptoms, repertorize the case, filter the remedies and get the Similimum. Also crosscheck from Materia Medicae.-You can record any number of symptoms, repertorize and get similimum in just few seconds.Refer to extensive database of Themes, Cross references and Synonyms and record the symptoms from extensive source of around one million reference base.-Apply drug filtersThere are multiple permutations and combinations possible based on side affected, stage, thermal states, sex, miasm, polycrest or multiple permutations and combinations of all.-Minerals Periodic TableOpt for either Calcarea or Magnesium or from Acid group. Selection can be Horizontal group (row - series) or Vertical group (stage - column) from the periodic table.-Animal KingdomBase prescription from Insects or Mammalia or Spider or Ophidia Find correct group relationship or differentiation.-Botanical kingdom Base your drug on Compositae or Anacardiaceae or Solanaceae family or opt from flowers, seeds or roots as needed.- MiasmFilter out the remedy considering Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular or Syphilitic expressions.- SimilimumThe software can guide you with correct medicine, potency and repetition. So it is very useful for cure.-Expert system based on Masters concepts such as Kent, Boger and BoenninghausenExtremely useful, as if masters are helping you to choose the remedy to cure.-Patient Management SystemWith detailed case record under different categories, such as personal details, case history, follow-ups, plus video, audio and image can also be included. Graphical and Statistical Analysis of your various treated cases is also possible with this software. Hundreds of ready / editable patient instructions.
More Detail: Contact us on-http://www.hompath.com/

AtamA is a full-featured Homeopathy application geared towards the lay person and priced to be affordable. A brief description of features is provided here; see the AtamA Help file for a complete description of AtamA's capabilities or download the demo version to see for yourself.
More Detail and Download Link-http://www.abouthomeopathy.com/software/atama
Mac Repertory:

Let us introduce you to the new Mac Repertory 8. Our repertorization tool, Mac Repertory makes it easy to quickly select and analyze rubrics, get ideas for remedies, check the materia medica, do a bit of research and feel confident about your prescriptions. KHA offers two styles - Mac Repertory Pro and MacRepertory Classic. Though both are powerful tools, MacRepertory Pro offers more advanced customization and analysis features than the Classic version. Both Mac Repertory Pro and MacRepertory Classic are available with either the Core Library or the Full Library.
More Detail Click Here- http://www.kenthomeopathic.com/macrepertory.html
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