For blog/site traffic:
Here i am describe some good site for increasing blog traffic, they very good for all blogger's,
1. Entrecard:

Best way for blog advertisement, thousands of bloggers uses entrecard for daily traffic.
Here you earn credit through blog visiting, per day you will earn up to 300 Entrecard credit per blog/Site.
Easy to joining, its totally free of cost, and also earn some bucks.
Browse Directory
Thousands of bloggers are on
Entrecard’s Network. Advertise on
them for FREE with EC credits.
Through our marketplace users are
able to buy, sell, trade services in exchange for EC credits.
Community Forum
The best place to hangout. Make
friends, network and learn how to
become a better blogger.
2. Adgitize:

One of the good advertising solutions for bloggers. Easy to join, free of cost, also Earn money.
Bloggers - 7 Reasons You Should Adgitize Your Blog
1. Advertisers Can Reach Thousands of Potential Visitors Daily
2. Advertisers Pay One Low Monthly Fee
3. Network Helps You Earn On-Going Income
4. Publisher Network Produces a Monthly Cash Revenue Stream
5. Bloggers Like You Increase Their Daily Traffic
6. Advertisers Get Cash Rebates
7. Spend Your Time Blogging and Let Adgitize Send You Traffic
3. Blog Explosion:

1. 100% FREE TO JOIN!
2. Add multiple blogs
3. Add banners to promote your blog with clickthrough reporting!
4. Refer new members and earn 10% of the traffic they earn
5. Get your blog reviewed by other members
6. Get full blog statistics!
7. Blogmark your favorite blogs to view anytime!
8. Screen blogs with profanity, audio and mature content!
9. Get listed in the BlogExplosion Blog Directory.
4. CMF Ads:

Top Ten reasons why hundreds of advertisers choose CMF Ads:
1. Rock bottom prices - a 30 day ad costs as little as $0.01.
2. Selective network ads - quickly place hundreds of ads and exclude sites with high prices or high CPM.
3. Mid-term cancellations - stop an ad and immediately receive a partial refund.
4. View your best performing ads by CPM, CPC or total views.
5. Comprehensive stats for EVERY ad you place.
6. Bulk advertising - buy all ads on the current page of our site directory.
7. Sign up once only - we support multiple sites and even forum access on ONE username. Your balance can be used for any site you own.
8. All transactions in dollars and cents - so you instantly know how much an ad will cost.
9. Unparalleled support - every query is personally answered by one of the owners.
10. Active forums - we're not just an ad network - we have a thriving community at your fingertips.
Earn more from your ads
• Earn 100% of the funds from ads placed on your blog.
• Manage multiple accounts with a single login ID.
• Promote your blog using our forums.
• Cash out your funds - or just buy more ads!
Pay less for your advertising
• Add funds to your account and place ads on blogs.
• Ad space sharing reduces your advertising costs.
• View advertising history before placing an ad.
• Comprehensive statistics total the views and clicks for each ad placed.
Some good Blog Directories:
1. Technorati 2. Blogcatlog 3. MyBloglog 4. TopBlogarea 5. 6. Bloggingfusion 7. Bloghop 8. Blogarama 9. Topbloglists 10. Myblogdirectory
Some Beautiful Blog Template:
You will find out some good 3 and 4 column blog template here:
Some Visitor Tracker websites:
1. Histats: 2. Sitemeter 3. Statcounter
Top Platform for Blogging:
1. Blogger 2. Wordpress 3. Jamola 4. Typepad 5. MovableType 6. LiveJournal 7. Expression Engine
Earn money through Internet:

1. Google adsense:
One of the best ways for earns money through internet, your blog/site displaying ads provided by google.
Easy to join, free of cost, easy payout through cheque, wire transfer.
But it’s strict about his policy. So carefully read out all requirements for joining as