Fit vital is a Dynamic, Vitality driven organization offering Healthy & Competitive environment for the betterment of the Society. The Company has been formed by the group of young medical and technical professionals with a mission to provide quality medical and other world class facilities to all the sections of the society.
Fit vital strives for the best spirit of Health Care & Welfare and saving life of the people who can’t afford costly treatments.
We Start this Company for:
* To redefine and raise the standards of services, personal morals, etiquette, healthy environment and ethics.
* To achieve Disease-free environment, and to give proper medical knowledge & awareness through various health programs.
* To Continuously upgrade ourselves according to the needs & requirements of our associates
* To attain and achieve 100 % growth level, year after year, business with healthy human beings.
We Provide some unique services & Facilities that is listed below:
* Health Care
* Online Treatment
* Career Guidance
* Job Placements for all Professional courses
* Legal Advisory
* Online Computer Support
* Online, Telephonic & Direct Hardware & Software sales and Troubleshooting support
* Software Development & Maintenance Support
* Clinic Management
Some other facilities:
1. Accidental Insurance worth Rs. 1 Lakh for one year
2. Pension Plan
3. Business Opportunity (As Independent Promoter of our Company)
For Contact & More Information:
Visit www.fitvital.org